TRB Committee on Transportation and Public Health AME70
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NOTE: For the Triennial Strategic Plan (TSP), please check under PROJECTS.
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01/05/2025 1:30 to 4:30 pm Workshop 1055 The Transportation Perspective on Human Trafficking and theImpact on Well-Being, Health, and Communities.
01/06/2025 10:15 to 12:00 pm Poster Session 2109 Navigating the Intersection of Health, Equity, and Mobility
01/07/2025 08:00 to 12:00 pm Committee Meeting Transportation and Public Health Committee
01/08/2025 10:15 to 12:00 pm Lectern Session 4065 Driving Health Forward: How Mobility Innovations and Transportation Impact Care and Communities
A PDF with all the details and co-sponsored workshops and subcommittee meetings can be found here.
(Oct. 2024)
The review results for papers have been sent. We look forward to seeing everyone in Washington.
For more information on this call for papers, contact:
David Ederer (Paper Review Coordinator), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, xhj2"at"
Ipek Nese Sener (Chair), Texas A&M Transportation Institute, i-sener"at"
Papers (7,500 words or less—including the abstract, text, references, figures, and tables) must be electronically submitted to TRB no later than August 1, 2024. Note that full papers are required for all submissions for the TRB 2025 Annual Meeting. Papers may be submitted for publication only, presentation only, or for both presentation and publication.
Please review the updated guidelines for information on paper format requirements and paper templates. Accepted papers or research summaries will be made available to meeting attendees (more information about summaries will be provided at acceptance).
Two different calls:
1) Expanding our Knowledge of Transportation and Health (PDF version)
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Transportation and Public Health (AME70) seeks papers expanding our understanding and evaluation of transportation and public health. In 2024, TRB identified “Advancing Public Health” as a Critical Issue in Transportation.
We welcome papers that contribute to the growing body of knowledge on transportation and health, including those that address concepts, principles, theories, methodologies, and applications. We are particularly interested in:
Approaches in building health-promoting cross-sector collaborations and institutional relationships, as well as case studies describing them.
Development and application of metrics to advance consideration of health impacts in transportation decision-making.
Research questions of interest to this call may include, but are not limited to:
Evidence-based approaches to maximizing health benefits while addressing potential adverse impacts of planning and policy decisions through engineering and design.
Examination of actionable policies for safe and healthy streets (e.g., the role of the safe-systems approach, Vision Zero, and guidelines for road danger reduction).
Assessment and evaluation of the collaboration and coordination between different organizations (including those from the government and the private sector) to address complex health issues related to transportation.
Innovative use of theoretical frameworks in practical applications to improve our understanding of the links between transportation and health.
Quantification of health impacts and benefits of transportation actions and policies.
Studies on changes in infrastructure design, mode shift, or transportation practice in response to recent emergencies (including but not limited to the COVID-19 pandemic).
Studies the role of emerging transportation technologies (e.g., autonomous vehicles, smart transportation systems) in promoting healthy and sustainable transportation options.
Studies that utilize technologies such as generative AI in planning, testing, and implementing transportation strategies to improve public health (such as in predicting patterns, crash hotspots, and the spread of diseases through transportation networks or realistic simulations to test infrastructure changes).
2) Transportation and Mental Health (PDF version)
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Transportation and Public Health (AME70) seeks papers expanding our understanding and evaluation of transportation and public health. In 2024, TRB identified “Advancing Public Health” as a Critical Issue in Transportation.
We welcome papers focusing on mental health and transportation. We are particularly interested in the examination of transportation as a barrier and contributor to mental health.
Research questions of interest to this call may include, but are not limited to:
Exploration and examination of how mode choice influences mental health.
Exploration and examination of transportation access to mental health services and treatment.
Exploration and examination of how travel experiences influence mental health, such as how commuting time or transit reliability influences mental health or how nature-based or recreational travel can reduce stress and improve wellbeing.
Exploration and examination of how the perception of safety while traveling is related to mental health and wellbeing.
Methods and models that help improve our knowledge of diverse impacts and issues related to mental health with respect to vulnerable populations.
Evaluation of expanded access to transportation through geography, affordability, and inclusivity and effects of expanded access on mental health.
Analysis of the intersectionality of mental health and transportation equity with other social determinants of health, such as race, gender, age, and socioeconomic status.
Evaluation of occupational mental health for transportation workers (e.g. transit operators, freight workers).
Seeking Ambassadors: Communications Guide
We are recruiting ambassadors to share a ready-made PowerPoint (link) of key findings from the NCHRP Guidebook for Communications between Transportation and Public Health Communities (Guide). You do not have to be an expert on the Guide to share it. We would appreciate you letting people know it’s out there! An upcoming speaking engagement, staff meeting, or gathering of a working group or task force that you participate in provide excellent opportunities to share the Guide. Please adapt it for your audience and time available. Contact us with questions and we would love to hear your thoughts on the Guide and how you are putting it into practice:
About the Committee
AME70, the TRB Standing Committee on Transportation and Public Health, creates a space for engineers, health professionals, planners, epidemiologists, economists, advocates, elected officials, and academics to expand knowledge about the positive and negative health impacts of transportation policies, procedures, and actions.
The committee's scope includes equity and an array of social and environmental determinants of health.
Get Involved in AME70
There are many ways to get involved with the Committee through activities scoped to accommodate the time and effort you can contribute.
We are a group of volunteers; the projects we undertake and accomplish reflect the work of our friends and members. You do not have to be a member to contribute or stay connected.
AME70 Social Media
Some Resources of Interest
The American Public Health Association (APHA) has made some policy statements on transport and health. See them here:
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has some "quick bites" on transport and health that can be found here:
Share a ready-made PPT with colleagues (link)
Please join us at the Annual Meeting :
Transportation and Public Health Committee Meeting
Event Date and Time: Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Lectern session: Collaborations During COVID-19: Did We Learn Anything That Will Stick?
Event Number: 1362
Event Date and Time: Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022 8:00AM - 9:30AM
Lectern session (co-sponsored): Toward a Fair Transport Research Agenda for a Time of Recovery
Monday, January 10 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM ET
Convention Center, 144
Poster session: Innovations in Health-Related Transportation Research
Monday, January 10 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM ET
Convention Center, Hall A
Poster session: Expanding Our COVID-19 Knowledge Base
Monday, January 10 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM ET
Convention Center, Hall A
Poster session (co-sponsored): TRB Minority Student Fellows Research Presentations
Tuesday, January 11 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM ET
Convention Center, Hall A
Workshop: Do You Count If You Are Not Counted?: An Exploration of Systematic Bias in Crash Data Systems
Thursday, January 13 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM ET
Convention Center, Salon C
PAST (2019): Conference on Health and Active Transportation
Link to proceedings of the CHAT conference
TRB’s over 200 standing committees are communities of individuals who share an interest and expertise in transportation. AME70 is about Health—Public Health and Population Health. Committee membership is limited to 25 core members who lead the activities of a community of friends and volunteers.
Current Activities
Triennial strategic plan \ paper reviews \ content for our listserv and social media \ workshop planning \ research dissemination \ case studies of health and transportation programs, policies, and practices
Note: For reference, one may access the old Health and Transportation Subcommittee website or the TRB Task Force on Arterials and Public Health website Both old sites were built in Google's "classic sites", which will be archived and removed in September 2021 because Google no longer supports them.