
TRB Staff

Tom Palmerlee, Senior Program Officer

Gary Jenkins, Associate Program Officer 

Committee Contacts


Leslie Meehan, Tennessee Department of Health

Ed Christopher, Independent Consultant


Eleni Christofa, University of Massachussets Amherst

Research coordinator

Daniel Rodriguez, University of California, Berkeley 

Paper review coordinator

Ipek Sener, Texas A&M Transportation Institute 

Communications coordinator

E. Owen Waygood, Polytechnique Montréal

Committee Members

Alina Baciu (Special NASEM Liaison), Health and Medicine Division

David Berrigan, National Cancer Institute

Eleni Christofa, University of Massachussets Amherst

Ed Christopher, Independent Consultant 

Andrew L. Dannenberg, University of Washington

David Ederer, Georgia Institute of Technology

Preston Elliott, Tennessee Department of Transportation 

Marlon Flournoy, Caltrans

Lauren Gardner, Johns Hopkins University

Cassandra Gascon Bligh, Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Faith Hall, Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Stephen Hargarten, Medical College of Wisconsin

Melissa Kraemer-Badtke, East Central Wisconsin RPC

Theodore Mansfield, RSG Inc.

Carey McAndrews, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Leslie Meehan, Tennessee Department of Health 

Jennifer Mindell, University College London

Mark Nieuwnjuijsen, Barcelona Institute for Global Health

Keshia Pollack Porter, Johns Hopkins University

Daniel Rodriguez, University of California, Berkeley 

Kelly Rogers, Portland State University

Ipek Sener, Texas A&M Transportation Institute 

E. Owen Waygood, Polytechnique Montréal

Geoffrey Whitfield, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Megan Wier, City of Oakland Department of Transportation 

James Woodcock, University of Cambridge

About TRB committees

TRB standing committees serve as communities of transportation professionals who have knowledge and interest in the areas included in the committee’s scope. Each committee operates within a scope approved by the Executive Director of TRB.  (TRB Technical Activities Leadership Guide, 2015)


In January 2020, TRB approved a new committee structure that created AME70, a new standing committee on health. This was welcome news for the joint Subcommittee on Health and Transportation, which formed in March 2012. 

Since its inception in 2012, the Health and Transportation Subcommittee was highly productive. Actually, it functioned more like a standing committee and sponsored paper calls, submitted research proposals, reviewed papers, organized and conducted sessions and workshops, and took on special initiatives.

To understand what makes a health committee in TRB unique, consider the situation in which the subcommittee was formed. Starting around 2005, TRB staff began to see annual meeting paper submissions with health-related topics but without a corresponding committee capable of leading the reviews. Behind the scenes, TRB staff established a group of three committee chairs to lead a team of reviewers that served as an ad-hoc review team. This is an example of how the the transportation community recognized that health was emerging as topic that should be considered within the framework of TRB.